Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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4 entries this month

The new pet.

22:23 May 30 2008
Times Read: 1,277

My cowboy slept peacefully on the same couch I was on before Ankh-Re's intrusion. It was night, and the stars twinkled mischievously - much like I was feeling. I studied the sleeping man's face in the moonlight, marveling at its contours. He had high cheekbones and a shallow dimple in his chin. He also had long eyelashes, and there was something about his mouth - his lips. I had the urge to kiss him, so I did. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking to adjust his vision to the night.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. For a moment, he did not say anything - he just stared at me with the look of a lost sheep. Then his expression changed into one of alarm. He tried to get up, but I gently pushed him back down on the couch.

"Where am I...and who are you people?" he finally croaked.

"You are safe in my home outside of San Francisco, and my name is Isis" I replied. "You need not worry about the annoying man who was in my kitchen".

He stared at me for a few seconds, then asked "How did I get here? How long have I been asleep?"

"You have been asleep for only a few hours, and

you ended up here because you passed out in the back of my car. You did not have any identification on you, and we did not know what to do with you, so we brought you here...what is your name anyway?"

"David...and I recall being in the trunk of a car."

I confessed. "Alright - you were in the trunk of my car. You have been kidnapped".

David stared at me, his mouth hanging open. "K -K - kidnapped? How? Why? I'm not rich!"

I took a deep breath before answering. " I was interested in you and wanted to bring you home...it is not like you were forced into the car, you know".

"Well yeah, lady, okay. I guess I set myself up...but still, don't you think you could've just asked?"

"I could have" I replied "But I knew that you wanted to be with me anyway. If you did not, I probably would not have taken you. I usually just take what I want...within reason, of course"

The cowboy - David - was at a loss for words. I smiled at him, exposing my slightly elongated canine teeth.

"What?" was all he could muster.

"Yes?" I answered.

"What about my horse? And my dog? I just can't leave them!"

"It would be no problem to have them brought here. What do you think?"

David stared at me for a long time, concentrating on my teeth, it seemed. Then his face again contorted into one of alarm. "You bit me!" He scrambled up from the couch and backed into a corner of the deck. He began rubbing his neck and wrist where I did indeed bite him.

"Yes...I bit you. You tasted pretty good, actually".

"What are you...are you suppose to be some sort of vampire or some shit?"

I laughed and replied " Yes - I am a vampire or some shit...is that going to be a problem, David?"

He stood in that corner for what seemed like an eternity - funny that I should put it that way...anyway, I could read his mind weighing what he thought would be the pros and cons of his predicament. He noticed the elegant sumptuous surroundings, and came to the conclusion that he could use a vacation for awhile.

"Are you gonna' kill me?"

"Of course not" I replied. He thought for a few more minutes. "What about that crazy guy?" He recalled the incident in the kitchen, as he did not like the thought of being in the same vicinity with Ankh-Re.

"Do not worry about him. We had a small misunderstanding, and it is behind us now" I replied. "Now" I said "You could use a hot shower - you stink. We will talk later about me and what is going on here in due time"

I lead him through the library into the entry hall, where Anna awaited us patiently. "Follow me, sir. I will show you to your suite". David looked at me, and I nodded for him to follow Anna.

"I have to ask you...Miss Isis" he whispered. "Do you always just take what you want? You know -this is America. I am a human being, you know".

I laughed " David, If you wanted to leave, you would have tried to by now. And of course you are a human being...do you think that I would want to suck and fuck a monkey?"


This photo of David shows why I kidnapped him...

© MFH 2008




An untimely visit.

05:04 May 19 2008
Times Read: 1,324

I try to be diligent with my journal writing, so I must relay what has happened since my last entry...

When I returned home from my visit to the wine country, I had decided to take a quick nap on the deck adjacent to my library. I think that I only slept for ten minutes or so, because when my head housekeeper woke me, the sun was just setting.

"What is it, Anna?" I asked. Anna looked absolutely terrified. "Anna - what is wrong?" I repeated.

"Madam - there is a very large angry man in the kitchen...I'm sorry, but I don't know how he got into the house..."

I quickly went into the kitchen - to see Stanley calmly speaking to a very angry Ankh-Re...who happen to be holding my cowboy up in the air by the collar of his shirt.

"Isis...ya' driving around with ranch-hands in the trunk of your car now?" he said between clenched teeth.

The cowboy moaned and opened his eyes. Ankh-Re scowled and dropped him on the floor. I mustered as much control as I could and turned to Stanley. " Were you able to unpack the cases of wine?"

" Some of it, Madam - I was startled by the gentleman here" Stanley replied, glancing towards Ankh-Re.

"Well" I said " I will be fine. You may return to your task". I looked at Anna. "You are both dismissed".

As soon as they left the kitchen, I exploded. "Who in the fuck do you think you are, barging into my home!"

Ankh-Re shouted back " What in the FUCK do you think you are doing...with this FUCKIN' COWBOY?"

The poor cowboy was cowering in a corner, up against the refrigerator. Ankh-Re hissed at him, eyes aglow. The terrified cowboy - who was already weaken by the drug I gave him, plus my previous 'sips' - passed out.

"You have a lot of nerve worrying about what I am doing - it is none of your damn business" I retorted dryly, regaining my composure.

But Ankh-Re was still angry " So, you have a new pet?" he growled, looking over at the cowboy. I sighed.

"Ankh-Re - you have a lot of nerve in questioning me and my motives - especially since you have had hundreds of 'pets' over the centuries" I replied.

'Well - that was a long time ago" he said, petulantly, like a child.

I looked at him, still maintaining my composure. "Well, I have not had many pets, and I am making up for lost time". Ankh-Re's eyes flashed in anger again, but he said nothing for a few minutes. Finally, he said 'You are right - it's not my place to question you or make demands on you. It would be nice if you'd consider what I had proposed the last time we spoke though". He had a strange look on his face as he spoke to me, as if he wanted to say more, but his thoughts were blocked. Instead, he pulled a wallet from his jacket pocket, and handed me a card. "Here's my cell" He turned to leave. "I can see myself out"...I followed him to the front doors anyway. Watching him from behind, I noticed that he was dressed completely in black leather...which made perfect sense when I saw him climb onto a huge monstrosity of a Harley. He looked at me again with that strange look on his face...then he put on his helmet and rode off.

I went back into the kitchen, and stared down at the cowboy. "You poor thing" I whispered to him, as I hoisted him easily onto my shoulder. "I have a lot of explaining to do"...


© MFH 2008




I like cowboys.

15:14 May 09 2008
Times Read: 1,353


I needed to get out of the city for a change of scenery and some 'fresh country air'...I had my driver take me to the wine country. I visited two wineries and bought several cases of merlot, pinot noir, and pinot grigio. Then I had an exquisite lunch - lobster bisque - at a local bed and breakfast. It was after my meal, while driving around the area enjoying the views, that I saw him.

He was breaking in a lovely black stallion. I was transfixed by the play of muscles under his shirt and worn jeans. When he took a water break, I decided right then and there that I was taking him home with me. I rolled down my window and beckoned him to the car. While fanning himself with his hat, he said "Yes ma'am - how are you today?" I just sat for a few seconds, watching the wind softly ruffle his brown hair. I finally replied " I am quite fine - thank you. I just wanted to say that you are a fine horseman, and that I am fascinated with you American cowboys - you are never boring to watch". He grinned, revealing a perfect set of even white teeth.

'Well - we do exhibits for the tourists on Saturday afternoons" he said. "You should check us out then". I noticed that his curious green eyes kept darting from my face to my plunging neckline; he then grinned again, turning red in the face.

"Would you care to go for a ride? We can go wherever you want to go" I offered. The cowboy smiled and said yes - he just needed to get the horse back to the stable. When he returned, my driver Stanley opened the door for him to join me in the back seat. "Wow - this is nice!" he said. I offered him a glass of champagne (with a little special ingredient). He drained the glass quickly, but noticed that I was sipping from my glass. "Have some more" I suggested. He did - and taking a cue from me, began to sip his...

He was knocked out in about five minutes. I bit him on his throat and on a wrist for a preliminary taste - he tasted very good!

I thought about letting him slumber while next to me as we headed back for home, but decided that it would be better to tie him up, gag him and place him in the trunk, along with my cases of wine. My trusted Stanley did my bidding, and we headed for home...

© MFH 2008




All is calm.

02:54 May 04 2008
Times Read: 1,373

I have calmed down a bit, after running into Ankh-Re at Starbuck's...He has been lurking around, but I am in no mood to be bothered by him...for now, anyway.

It has just dawned on me that I gave that woman my Dolce & Gabbana trench coat! I loved that black coat! Now I will have to buy another -if they are still available. Damn!


© MFH 2008



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